Thursday, August 4, 2016

The lessons of the Nexus 2016 to the service area – Terra Brazil

There is no more important area for an organization that focused on the relationship with customers. A wrong decision, for example, may compromise the reputation of the brand, whereas a positive measure can reverse a crisis into opportunity. It is also the main view that the public often has companies: according to the survey of Shopper Experience in partnership with Consumidor Moderno magazine, 44% of Brazilian consumers show kindness in service in different channels as the main practice of an associated company respect.

To discuss such an important topic, 500 professionals attended the second edition of the Nexus, held in July 2016 and formatted in an entirely different model. Based on the tripod shared content, relationships and enabling environment for innovation, the event raised important questions to be designed by companies. Check out the three most important lessons:

1 – The quality of care not accompanying the technological evolution

It is undeniable that technological evolution provided a true revolution to the service area. Currently companies have a number of solutions that offers performance, custom reports and integration among the various channels. However, despite this recognition and of all efforts, the relationship of companies with customers following bad and needs a makeover to be able to meet consumer omnichannel profile.

2 – There is a community dedicated to solving the problems of care in Brazil

The positive side is that for the Nexus 2016 won highlight a community dedicated to solving these issues and, in fact, turn this situation. They are professionals and companies who understand the benefits of maintaining a more humane relationship with the public and thus new solutions begin to emerge despite much work ahead.

3 – You need to empower the people involved in service

As much as technology and processes are important, it is necessary to recognize and value who really makes the relationship happen: the people involved, especially service and support teams that are on the front line of operations. It is essential to educate the market to empower attendants because they are part of the organization’s strategy.

* Albert Deweik is CEO of NeoAssist, which specializes in service omnichannel solutions


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