Monday, November 24, 2014

Nexus 6 has an LED notifications, but you can not … –

When launching a world-awaited product is carried out, the details are quickly disseminated by the media for further analysis. However, it is the company behind the device give all the technical information about it to avoid confusion. Still, there are characteristics that go unnoticed even after weeks have elapsed since the official presentation of the gadget in question. It happened with the Nexus 6.

The smartphone designed by Google and manufactured by Motorola was one of the 2014 highlights, for participating companies have struggled to implement a quality hardware with the Android in your state original, agrandando little robot enthusiasts around the world. However, that was a mystery until now is the presence of a Notification LED in the center of the appliance. None of phablet involved in the creation of suggested the existence of such a component.

Located in the central part of the upper speaker, the LED is a boy playing various colors when triggered by a third party. But if you think that applications can use the play to warn the owner about a message not displayed, in-store promotions in the neighborhood, alarms and other possibilities, is wrong. No application in Google Play Store is able to flash the LED, unless the user to perform the root Nexus 6. Yes, the applicant must have full permission on the operating system root.

Still, there are problems of communication that do not allow the display of other tones than the green, with no separation of apps through the pigment. The LED does not light even when the battery is at the end, differentiating the Moto X has an integrated function. It is unclear why the implementation of an unproductive LED on phablet, however, there is the possibility of adding news in future software updates. Let’s wait to discover the mysteries about it.

(updated November 24, 2014 at 06:28)


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