Councillors estimate that omission of Justice on the project, which already has an order embargo issued by prosecutors, justified intervention of the legislative
Enterprise is already being built, even with irregularities in the studies required to obtain license | Photo: Renan Accioly
Controversial since it was announced, the Nexus Shopping & amp; Business is the target of two license suspension requests: one from prosecutors, signed by prosecutor Julian de Barros, and another councilor Djalma Araújo (SD). The reason is the same:. As revealed by Journal Option , there are indications that the mega project of neighborhood impact study has been defrauded
This study is essential to certify the viability the work. The Nexus, specifically, will be built on the corner of two busy streets of the capital, the D and 85, heavy vehicle traffic area in the city center. Even without it being possible to assess the real impact of the mega project, since the studies are disputed, the Municipal Environment Agency (Amma) assured them the right to initiate the foundation of the towers.
The change of scenario has led some councilors of the Committee on Constitution and Justice (CCJ) of the City Council to rethink its opposition stance to Djalma decree. Councilman project received Unlike the rapporteur report Dra. Cristina (PSDB) and Paulo Borges (PR), both on the grounds that, as there is already a process of the prosecution, would be unnecessary that approved a legislative decree on the subject .
However, the Nexus project goes full steam and the fear that the courts take too long to position on the case changed the opinion, for example, Dra. Cristina. Now she says she will support Djalma Araújo project, which should be discussed on Wednesday (15/6), so the current rapporteur, Councilman Paul Pharmacy (Pros), deliver their position.
She said that her opposition to Djalma project was based on its view that the legislative decrees are the exception of legal instruments, ie, to be used to exhaust up all the possibilities. For the city council, as the foundation has begun, the situation can be rather characterized as an exception: “In this situation where there is no clear positioning, a determination, then yes it makes use of this exception instrument”, defended <. / p>
Although not part of the CCJ, councilman Thiago Albernaz (PSDB) also criticized the license grant without having been resolved doubts about the viability of the enterprise. The toucan assessed the start of work as “regrettable” and criticized the failure of City Hall, for him, responsible for the fact that the work be “in full swing, even against the will of local residents.”
“Peca much the city of Goiania to release a work to be built without extensive debate, without study.” For him, the House can not escape the debate because there are other investigations on the same theme. “The Chamber has the role of research, have to take responsibility to represent the goianiense society”
He as there are irregularities in the case of the House ask the revocation of the building permit. “We need a project that is debated until all points are clarified. It can not be built with an illegitimate license, “he argued.
Since the position of the author of the project, Djalma Araújo, is less optimistic. According to him, “with the councilors who are here in this Chamber, there can not move,” he said, commenting on his decree. “They are marked cards” accused. For him, it is clear that some council members have an interest in not block the project: “The Chamber does not represent the people’s interests, but economic interests,” he lamented, “The Nexus is just another”
Journal Option also sought the rapporteur of the bill in the House, Paul’s Pharmacy, but he said its position on the draft legislative decree. The councilman said he still did not have access to the document and you should get it even on Tuesday (7), when will also have a meeting Amma for clarification before drawing up its report.
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