Author of the project, Djalma Araújo will request the reopening and forwarding direct project plenary
CCJ decided by Legislative Decree project filing that overturns the Nexus license | Photo: Larissa Quixabeira / Journal Option
in a meeting on the morning of Wednesday (18/5), the Committee on Constitution, Justice and Drafting (CCJ ) of Goiânia City Council decided by the filing of Legislative Decree project that suspends the Building Permit of the project Nexus Shopping & amp;. Business in Marist sector
at the last meeting of the Commission, Wednesday (11/5), the rapporteur of the project, councilwoman Cristina Lopes (PSDB), presented an opinion by filing until you have a decision of the Court in relation to a civil lawsuit prosecutors, asking for embargo of work. at the time, councilman Paulo Borges (PR) asked report views, which was granted in a unanimous vote.
at the meeting this week, Borges presented a second report, which also stands favorable to the project archive, but the “definitive” way. This second report, authored by Councilman Paulo Borges, was previously signed by the other members of the CCJ, Cida Garcez (PMN), Paul Pharmacy (Pros) and Edson car (PMN) and thus approved by the Commission.
the author of the proposal and also the Commission, councilor Djalma Araújo (Network), asked views of the new report but was denied voting by 4 votes to 2. Dra. Cristina was also favorable to the request for views.
President of the CCJ, councilman Elias Vaz (PSB), explained that the difference between the two reports is null since the two ask for archiving. “There is no temporary or permanent archive. Once approved, the project is shelved until the author ask for the reopening, “he said.
Annoyed with the position of co-CCJ, Djalma Araujo, author of the legislative decree proposal, has signaled that it will ask the reopening on Thursday (19/5). From the application, the project author’s expectation is that the matter comes for consideration in plenary on Tuesday (24/5)
The Legislative Decree
Legislative Decree project cancellation of Building Permit, Djalma Araújo authoring takes into account documents submitted by the Municipal Housing and Urban Planning (Seplanh) that link strong indications of irregularities with regard to the Impact Assessment Neighbourhood (EIV) presented the project to the city.
the justification for halting the license of the work argues that, from the analysis of the documentation, “there are strong indications of irregularities which must be thoroughly assessed.” The proposal took into account the documents submitted by the Municipal Housing and Urban Planning (Seplanh).
After Journal Option exclusively reveal a possible forgery of signatures that make up the study Neighbourhood Impact (EIV) presented for the construction of Nexus, the Public Ministry of Goiás triggered an action to establish the evidence of fraud in the mega project.
Responding to process the municipality of Goiânia and businesses aware JFG incorporations SPE 001 Ltda., Construtora Conscious and Incorporadora Ltda., represented by managing partner Ilézio Ignatius Ferreira, and JFG Construcoes e Participacoes LTDA., whose Gabriel Paes Fores administrator.
at the end of last year the newspaper also showed inconsistencies in the explanations given by the representatives of the company and “authors” of the opinion poll which attested that the population of the region “approves” the implementation of the project. Identified as responsible for the “study”, Construtora Milan failed to explain how this was done, leaving a series of questions about the veracity of the information presented, as well as with regard to their consistency.
After scandal, the Special Commission of inquiry of Empty Folders, known as the CIS of Pastinhas, the Municipality of Goiânia also initiated the inquiry to investigate the irregularities. The businessman Ilézio Inácio Ferreira was called and gave evidence to the committee.
At the time, Ilézio said, repeatedly, that relied on the Nexus EIV and who believed in the “veracity” of the information certified by Construtora Milan and . Magna Barbosa Queiroz
MPGO investigations against Nexus Shopping & amp; Business, however, found that the studies done by the Conscious Construction and JFG Incorporator were insufficient, fragile and would not give a real picture of the (big) impact that the giant will cause throughout the city.
Despite already signaled the project filing, the discussion during the meeting of the CCJ as the argument of the reports was heated. After considering the opinion of Councilwoman Cristina, Djalma presented a paper refutes the arguments presented in this opinion.
“The possibility of exposure of the offenders to judicial review, such as the People’s Action and Civil Action, managed by councilors Elias Vaz (PSB), Geovani Antonio (PSDB) and Paulo Magalhaes (PSD) and the Public Ministry of the State of Goiás, does not prevent the actions of this Legislature for the extraordinary competence poured in Article 49, section V of the Constitution of Republic “
the Annex to the article cited says that.” it is the sole responsibility of the Congress:. stop the normative acts of the Executive power which exceed their regimental authority or the limits of legislative delegation “
the first report uses the argument that the Legislative Decree would be an “emergency measure”, and that the most prudent for the House of Laws would await the decision of the judiciary in relation to a civil action of the prosecutor asks the embargo of the work. “If after the end of the legal process, the final opinion is contrary to the people’s interests, then yes we would enter with a legislative decree, but on the progress of the legal process, is not the time for it,” argued Councilwoman Cristina Lopes.
the author of the second report, councilman Paulo Borges, the archive should be permanent because the license is not “executive competence”. For him, the House has already acted to provide the complaints to the public prosecutor and the Legislative Decree is “overdue matter.”
The president of the Commission, Elias Vaz said that the discussion that has settled has not foundation, since it is the duty and prerogative of the legislature to investigate and monitor. “There are two powers do illegal monitoring while one does not exclude the other. I am one of the plaintiffs handed to prosecutors but understand that even with the judicial process under way, the Board can not be silent. “
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