Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Judge mark conciliation hearing of the case on Nexus, but there is no … – Journal Option

Promoter Juliano de Barros Araújo requires that assessments be redone, and entrepreneurship will be discussed with the society; Conscious refuses

The judge Fabiano Aragão Fernandes, of the 2nd court of Public Finance of the city of Goiania, scored for the 13th October the hearing of conciliation between the Public Ministry of the State of Goiás (MPGO), the Municipality of Goiânia and the Conscious JFG Incorporations in the case of the Nexus Shopping & Business.

The megaempreendimento which is being built at the junction of Avenidas 85 and D, in the Marist Sector of the capital, is investigated for alleged fraud in the Study of the Impact of Neighborhood (EIV) and approval of illegal processes in the city (so the city is also recorded as a defendant in the proceedings).

According to the action, proposed by the promoter Juliano de Barros Araújo, the goal is to impose to developers a Conscious and JFG the completion of a new EIV and Report on its Impact of Neighborhood (EIV and RIV), as well as the realization of a prior Study of the Impact of Traffic and its Impact Report of a Traffic EIT and RIT), for the project of construction of the Nexus. Search also the enforcement to the municipality the obligation to promote a "re-analysis of all processes related to the commitments of the urban" enterprise.

in addition, the action asks that Justice requires due publicity by means of public hearings, as well as the definition of measures mitigatórias and compensatory impacts of neighbourhood and transit in the short, medium and long term, to be met by the Conscious Construction and JFG Mergers. With this, all prior authorizations granted by the Municipal Secretariat of Urban Development (Semdus), the current Municipal Secretary of Planning and Housing (Seplanh), by the Municipal Agency for the Environment (Amma) and the Municipal Department of Traffic, Transport and Mobility (SMT), should be considered null and void.

However, the companies responsible for the project, Conscious Construction, and JFG-Overs, refuse to respond to the requests of the MPGO and insist on saying that the Nexus was approved "within the limits of the law."

Precisely because of this, the advice of the promoter revealed the Option that faces the audience as to protocol and that you did not expect any agreement — Juliano de Barros Araújo will not lead to anything, only hear (if any) the proposal of the defendants.

On the 23rd of August, mr. Ney Teles de Paula welcomed feature of the Conscious JFG Mergers and suspended the decision of the judge Fabiano Aragão Fernandes that prevented the construction of the Nexus Shopping & Business. The work was faltering since the 13th of June, when the holder of the 2nd court of Public Finance of Goiânia suspended, by way of injunction, the effects of the building permit issued by the City of Goiânia, based on the public civil action proposed by the promoter Juliano de Barros Araújo — that listed a series of irregularities in the approval process of the enterprise by the government.


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