Thursday, October 15, 2015

New Nexus 5X and 6P rely on gestures and shortcuts to open the … –

Nexus devices have never been known to tell with unique features that distinguish them from other devices with Android, and its main strength something exactly opposite: the total absence customizations. Because of this, the models of this line are generally sought only by developers and enthusiasts who put speed up updates of any other quality, which can be seen in the poor sales of these devices throughout history.

Apparently the Google wants to change a little this , adding differentials that make Nexus most plausible options also for traditional users, such as the fingerprint reader on the back and the new standard USB Type- C which makes the “convertible” cable and can be connected in a more practical way. In addition, it was found that both the Nexus 5X as the Nexus 6P have some features for those who want quick access to the camera application, and something very similar to what we have in rival companies options such as Samsung and Motorola.

The first shortcut is to “rotate” your pulse quickly for both sides, just as we have in the Moto X and several other Motorola phones. In addition, you can also open the camera to perform double-tap the power button which is basically the same as we have in the Galaxy S6 and other devices from Samsung through the home button.

With the arrival these functions to Android as a standard that is present in the Nexus, is likely to see many other smartphones relying on such features, something that should not really please the companies responsible for making them available initially on their devices, as will take a bit of exclusivity of the same. Remember that gestures associated with the movement are only possible on devices that have a specific processor for that, which was developed by Qualcomm that could be present in the new Nexus.

No information on the arrival of the new Nexus in Brazil and is expected to only the Nexus 5X is available officially in our country. In addition, the smartphone will arrive only in 2016, according to reports, there were no details on the amount to be charged for it on its release.

And you believe that Google does well in using successful features present on models with a more customized software? Do you think this will cause manufacturers gradually start to feel afraid to create unique functions in its interface based on Android? Give us your comment below!

(updated on October 14, 2015 at 22:46)


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