Wednesday, January 11, 2017

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Children of all ages will almost threw the iPad for themselves. Without that this is rooted in research that says that this increases learning.How can you defend so extensive use of pc and iPad in your school? And it goes at the expense of reading, writing, arithmetic, and other?

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Research shows that you learn better if taking notes by hand. There is something about the physical activities in forming of words that makes you remember better.

My son is now in 7. class on Løkeberg. The next school year, he starts at Gjettum middle school which, in my view, unfortunately, is picked out as pilotskole, or iPad-school. But how the municipality can defend this commitment? One player hasard with the children and their valuable golden age for learning.

How can you initiate such a project without that it is rooted in research? And can I as the father deny my son to participate in the pilotforsøket? I will not that he shall have the nose even more down in the ipad. He has enough at home.

And how shall a poor teacher make sure that students are not playing or looking at inappropriate websites? How can I check that he uses the iPad in an educational manner? The school has allowed to implement such a project that no one knows what will result in?

think to give the children a pc, iPad or other mobile device. So one can turn the table with that the municipality is at the forefront of the digital development. But one can not just share out an iPad and say please be so good to learn.

the iPad can be a fantastic teaching aid if you have educational, digital literacy. If the staff has high expertise in the field of the digital didactics and pedagogy, your iPad can be an excellent tool.

In my job we use the iPad as a supplement to regular learning strategies that research shows provides good learning. Only in such a way can the iPad be used in a positive, læringsfremmende way. It can also be used to pauseaktiviteter between learning activities.

And how is the digital educational competence in school? Quite varying. I have even visited one of the iPad-the schools, observed the use of the iPad and interviewed students and teachers. And by all means! There were many wonderful stories and learning with the iPad as a tool. There were talented, creative students and teachers who willingly showed the use of the iPad.

But I felt it boiled down to that they used the iPad as a note, and sketchpad. They also used a video tool and had some books digitally. Something that is also very controversial. Many learn better with printed læreverk. Finished talked. But it is of course useful and good for young backs to have everything on one board.

But as a father, a husband, and with ict, high above the average I know also what the ipad any time used to. One is a swipe, a click away from the Pokémon go, Internet, Messenger, Facebook, porn, Clash of Royal and other irresistible temptations. And in my interviews with the young people admitted that they very much easier allowed himself to distract and tempt of such now. And the teacher has not the opportunity to discover it.

But you can actually do something with this. You can block iPadene for the Internet. Take control of what is installed of the apps and deny the installation of any other apps than educational apps.

as far As I know there are no restrictions on the student ipads. A positive thing for the teacher is that it has been much quieter in the Norwegian classroom. Pupils sit on Facebook or snap. The teacher think they are working with subjects.

Who benefits from this? They are resourceful, disciplined, talented students. That has resourceful parents, and that had made it strong anyway. The student with full bookshelves at home. Those who lose are the academically weak, the troubled, the disadvantaged and those with disadvantaged parents.

I have extensive experience in the it and pedagogy. I have majored in it, has worked eight years in the it industry and ten years as a lecturer, educator and it responsible. iPad and digital expertise has come to be and can be a wonderful tool if it is managed by professionally competent educators with high it skills.

Then it can be heavenly. And help both academically strong and weak students. But it is demanding, and should not be carried out by amateurs without the proper prick up expertise.

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the Result of the there is none that know of. Do you want eksperimenteres with your child’s academic and social competence?


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