Saturday, July 12, 2014

4 Nexus gets unofficial Android version L – ShowMeTech

U Android - XDA Developers

G Android – XDA Developers

Android G , the newest version of Google’s mobile operating system, was released in June during the Google I / O, the annual developer conference. The update is quite expected because it promises to be the biggest change since the 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich.

The previous version for developers was launched only in the last model of the Google smartphone, the Nexus 5 . The official version of preview for Nexus 5 can be downloaded directly from the website for Google developers.

As the development team XDA really does not mess around, Nexus 4 already has a new by t (adaptation, in free translation) the newest version of Android.

Despite being an “old” smartphone, having been launched two years ago, rumors based on the development and testing of this new operating system, indicate strongly that the Nexus 4 also officially receive upgrading to Android L .

If you are those who do not stand anxiety to test a new software version, download the new ROM and follow the steps this thread of XDA. According to reports, the latest version of preview is functional and stable, uncommon in the case of a software intended only for testing, not for final use.

Here is the video showing Android G in action, running on a Nexus 4 :

Remember that although the upgrade is relatively simple, the Showmetec h is not liable for any damage that may be caused to your equipment by installing this ROM. Remember to always perform a full backup before and make sure it is able to restore the previous software before attempting the upgrade.

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 User mobile technology since the PDAs, Handhelds and Walkmans.

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