Monday, June 13, 2016

Oblivious to new reports, decree rapporteur against Nexus says … – Journal Option

Councilman Paul Pharmacy (Pros) caveat that examine prefecture bodies reports before issuing formal opinion

Already appreciated by the Constitution, Justice and Drafting (CCJ) the City of Goiânia, the proposed Decree Alderman Legislative Djalma Araújo (Network), which determines the cancellation of Building Permit venture Nexus Shopping & amp; Business in the Marist Sector, was filed by collegiate members, but back on the agenda after the House approved the reopening facing new allegations and evidence that the works are already underway.

The new rapporteur , councilman Paul Pharmacy (Pros), said in an interview with Journal Option on the morning of Monday (13/6) that the decree is “matter overdue” in the House. “This request is unsuccessful Djalma matter. The IEC of Pastinhas, of which I was part, has investigated what had to be investigated and took appropriate action. Now is mulling a thing in the House that has passed there, the very CCJ has done its part. “

Against the own statement, the rapporteur points out that already made an application to the Town Planning Department Housing and urban (Seplanh) and next to the Municipal Environment Agency (Amma) to have access to reports that led to the granting of permits, and says it will consider the content of the documents before issuing its opinion.

in the report, Paul Pharmacy also said it had not yet know about the new mega project of irregularities noted in the report of the Council of Architecture and Urbanism (CAU), made the request of the prosecutor and published exclusively by the Journal Option and therefore not given assurance will present the opinion at the next meeting of the CCJ, on Wednesday (15/6).

“the Legislative Decree project came to my office on Friday -feira (10/6), so do not have time to do any analysis. Last week, I asked the opinions Amma and Seplanh and can also analyze the opinion of the Architecture Council, if any, “said the councilman.

The last time was appreciated by the CCJ, the project was filed with the vote of all the members, except for the author of the proposal, Djalma Araujo and the chairman of the committee, Elias Vaz (PSB).

to Elias Vaz, every new fact should be considered in a case like this. “The proposed Legislative Decree addresses the deficiencies in the studies submitted by contractors. But any new facts confirming that this project can bring some kind of problem for the community can and should be taken into consideration by council members time to consider the matter, “he said.

The project can get back on agenda CCJ as early as next Wednesday (15/6), but the procedure depends on Paul’s Pharmacy rapporteur. According to him, the intention is to present the opinion as early as this week, but insists that it is necessary to wait for the receipt of documents from the city’s bodies to be able to complete the report.


last May 18, the Committee on Constitution and Justice decided on the archiving of the legislative decree project. The rapporteur of the project, Councilwoman Cristina Lopes (PSDB), its opinion of the project filing to understand that given the legal process underway, it would be unwise for approval of an “emergency measure” as the legislative decree halting the construction permit .

but what was voted on and approved in vote was a second report, presented by Paulo Borges (PR), which also stood in favor of the filing of the project, but the “definitive” way. This second report was previously signed by the other members of the CCJ, Cida Garcez (PMN), Paul Pharmacy (Pros) and Edson car (PMN) and thus approved by the Commission.

Still in the same week , the author of the proposal, Djalma Araújo, requested the reopening and the decree returned for further consideration of the committee.

Given the evidence that the works are actually in progress following a complaint by residents of the region, councilwoman Cristina Lopes said in an interview that will review the placement and ensures that voting in favor of the legislative decree, both in committee and in plenary by the cancellation of the Building Permit.

on the other hand, councilwoman Cida Garcês (PMN ), also member of the CCJ said that even with the progress of the work, will not change its position. “I continue to argue that we have to wait for the court decision. I do not know why the request was reopened, and nothing has changed. “

The report came into contact early on Monday (13/6) with Councilman Paulo Borges, author of a second report by the filing of the decree. The councilman said he was not aware that the project had been reinstated and did not reveal it will change its position on the proposal.

Preliminary report points out new problems

in addition to the reporting of possible fraud in the signatures in the Neighborhood Impact Study (EIV), last week a report prior done by the Council of Architecture and Goiás Urbanism (CAU-GO), at the request of the Public Ministry Goiás (GO-MP), pointed out basic mistakes in almost every part of the Nexus Shopping & amp design; Business.

The irregularities ranging from the occupancy rate of the enterprise to a confusion between centimeters and meters in plants, and the commitment of all the provision of basic services in the region, water supply and energy, if are not made reforms to expand the road infrastructure, electricity and sewage.

Same target research through environmental public civil action filed by the prosecutor Juliano Barros, which calls for an immediate ban on the construction, the work . was initiated by the release of an Environmental Installation License by Amma on the last day May 16

Still awaiting trial, action lists a number of irregularities in the process of Nexus Shopping & amp; Business, as the lack of a benchmark for the preparation of studies, the lack of a multidisciplinary team responsible for analyzing the mega project impacts, as well as non-conformities with the law.


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